
We are pleased to announce that we are now recognised as a REACT UK Trauma-Informed Centre and we are able to offer certified courses to schools/universities, Local Authorities, and other organisations.

Our courses are aimed at those working or living with children aged from Early Years- 16.

Total Tuition are proud to offer simple to understand training designed by REACT UK up to NVQ level, which offer support and interventions which are easy for all participants to apply in practise.

Our bespoke training packages enable improvements in behaviour and support to build bridges to better relationships. We aim for all course participants to recognise the vital importance of ‘connection before correction’.

As well as offering courses within your provision, we are happy to offer our training within our Ashington site or dedicated training room in Corbridge.


We are able to offer training within your own setting, or within our new training space in Corbridge.

Our new space is in a rural setting and includes tea/coffee, soft drinks, and snacks for the duration of the course. We are able to comfortably host 10 delegates at our Corbridge setting.

‘Through a Trauma-Informed Lens’

Time: 9:00-3:30 | Cost: £1100 + VAT

Total Tuition and Rosewood Independent School (trading name) are built on an ethos of ‘connection before correction’. The success of the school so far is mainly down to the trauma-informed approach that we use across the board; through recruitment, performance management of staff, teaching, learning, and environment.
Our personalised training course, ‘Through a Trauma-Informed Lens’, includes content based on understanding and recognising the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Child Trauma, as well as practical environment, teaching, resilience, and behaviour management strategies to support children who have been exposed to such trauma. Our courses are interwoven with personal experiences and case studies to share how flexible approaches and understanding can improve outcomes for children of all ages (6-16).  
The one-day course, titled ‘Through a trauma-informed lens’, includes the following content:
  • An overview of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and child trauma
  • The impact of ACEs and trauma on behaviour and attainment
  • Recognising and responding to ACEs and child trauma
  • Creating a trauma-informed environment
  • Becoming a trusted adult
  • Trauma-informed teaching strategies 
  • Trauma-informed behaviour management strategies
  • Building resilience in young people and those working with them
  • Recognising and utilising support systems

Advanced Course in Child Trauma and ACEs

Time: 9:00-3:00 | Cost: £1100 + VAT

The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, (ACE study) is one of the biggest Public Health studies of all time (17,000 people). The study found that adverse childhood experiences are a leading determinant of the most common forms of physical illness (e.g. cancer, diabetes, heart attacks), mental illness (e.g. depression and anxiety) and early death in the Western World. ACEs are also a leading determinant of homelessness, drug and alcohol addition, smoking and domestic violence.

The ACE Study is part of a perfect storm of research emerging over the last 20 years that is revolutionising our understanding of human development. Neuroscience shows how the toxic stress of trauma damages the structure and function of children’s brains, which can explain their hyperactivity, inattentiveness, angry outbursts and other behaviours. This can affect their ability to learn in school, and can possibly lead them to use drugs, alcohol and food as coping mechanisms.

From identifying the ACEs in a child’s life, specific interventions and therapies can be matched to enable the child to process their underlying trauma in order to prevent an escalation along this path of challenging behaviour.  Research studies show that ‘protective factors’ in a child’s life, before the age of 18, can significantly help to change the trajectory from childhood adversity to avoid challenging behaviour, learning difficulties, long-term mental, physical and societal ill-health.

We ensure that course participants leave our training without the fear that they may once have had regarding supporting children suffering with trauma. Staff will feel empowered to be an ‘Emotionally Available Adult’ and recognise the vital importance of keeping children and young people feeling psychologically and physiologically safe.

Advanced Course in Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviours

Time: 9:00-3:00 | Cost: £1100 + VAT

Our course ensures staff have the essential training to help them feel confident and competent when caring and working with young people who can be challenging.

Our training is informed by leading academics and will enable participants to better support people who struggle to regulate their behaviour, and to reduce the reliance on restrictive practices by promoting a positive relational culture and evidenced based practice. This will minimise the potential for injury and trauma, further promoting an emotionally and physically safer environment for all. 

Course participants will explore how they can reduce risks to themselves, the people in their care and their setting by deepening their understanding of the functions of behaviour and the impact of the selected communication being presented.

Our course allows participants to:

  • Further understand the foundations and functions of behaviour;
  • Explore the importance of the ACE Study, Protective Factors and Resilience;
  • Recognise the significance of ‘Emotionally Available Adults’;
  • Reflect on their understanding of emotional regulation and dysregulation;
  • Expand on key strategies for de-escalation of challenging behaviour and restraint reduction;
  • Consider how to build effective relationships with troubled people;
  • Understand how to support different attachment styles.
  • Gain a better understanding of what science is telling us about the biology behind the behaviours:
    Triune Brain Theory
    Fight, Flight, Freeze Response & the HPA Axis
    SREF/Top Down Functioning
    Distress Averse, Distress Excited Behavior
    The Autonomic Nervous System (Social Engagement/Social Defensive Systems)

Level 2 Course in Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviour and Positive Handling

Time: 9:00-3:00 | Cost: £1100 + VAT

This comprehensive training focuses on developing a clear understanding of the functions of behaviour, Positive Behaviour Support and understanding the biology behind the behaviour so that the need to use restrictive force is greatly reduced. Participants will learn how they can reduce risks by diffusing aggression and, if necessary, how to control potentially violent situations through the use of medically risk assessed holds whilst maintaining the dignity and safety of themselves and the children involved.

By attending full day training, you will:

  • Further build on your confidence when dealing with behaviours that challenge, fear, trauma, aggression and violence;
  • Reflect on your understanding of emotional regulation and the management of pupils’ emotions & behaviour;
  • Gain a clearer understanding of the impact of communication;
  • Gain a better understanding of what science is telling us about the biology underneath presenting behaviours including how the brain and body react when people are socially defensive and the implications for de-escalation;
  • Understand the aggression curve and the promotion of safety cues in the school environment;
  • Gain a basic understanding of current legislation relating to issues that can arise when dealing with aggression or violence;
  • Examine the requirements of Health & Safety statute and associated regulations and understand how they apply to physical restraint in school;
  • Understand the recommendations in the DfE Guidance, ‘Use of Reasonable Force in schools,’ including the recommendations of techniques NOT to be used and HM Government Guidance, ‘Reducing the need for restraint and restrictive intervention’;
  • Recognise the risks associated with physical restraint and how to minimise those risks;
  • Risk assess your own safety when dealing with a potentially aggressive or violent pupil;
  • Differentiate between holding, escorting and restraining;
  • Know, practise and evaluate legally compliant and medically assessed holds and techniques including how to relax a restraint and disengage safely;
  • Know and understand the requirements for recording any use of restrictive force and how the information can be used to inform Behaviour Plans/Risk Assessments;
  • Understand the need for repairing relationships following any use of restrictive force.

FAA Level 1 or Level 2 Award in First Aid for Mental Health

Level 1 Award – Time: 9:00-12:00 or 12:00-3:00 | Cost: £550 + VAT

Level 2 Award – Time: 9:00-3:00 | Cost: £1100 + VAT

In 2018, 1 in 9 children aged 5-15 had a mental health disorder (either emotional, behavioural, hyperactive, or other).

Boys were more likely to have a disorder among younger age groups, and girls were more likely to have a disorder among older age groups. For the 17-19 age group, nearly 1 in 4 young women had a disorder, with emotional disorders (particularly anxiety) the most commonly reported.

It is concerning that, of young women in this age group with a disorder, over half (52.7%) reported that they had self-harmed or attempted suicide.
Despite so many children needing support, only 1 in 4 young people with a mental disorder reported accessing specialist mental health services in the previous year. (Data taken from Mental Health Foundation Statistics by NHS Digital, 2018).

The figures illustrate how mental health disorders can occur from early childhood, and that their prevalence increases with age, particularly for young women. This highlights the importance of intervening early to prevent the development of mental health problems.

Capitalising on opportunities to provide children with supportive environments early may be key for ensuring good mental health for all children and young people.

We are pleased to announce that from January 2020 we will be offering accredited FAA Level 1 and Level 2 training in First Aid for Mental Health (Note: this is not REACT UK training).

Learners will not diagnose or treat mental health conditions (as this can only be carried out by healthcare professionals) but will gain the knowledge to identify when a person may have a condition and know where they can go to get help.

Certificates are awarded at the end of each course.

Please contact us if you wish to make a booking for any of the above sessions. Payment must be made in advance and is non-refundable, though you may change the name of the delegate at no cost.

We recommend no more than 10 staff members per training course to ensure a personalised session. If you wish to book more spaces, the cost is an additional £80/ delegate. Please contact us if you are a University and wish to offer our training to a larger audience.

Please note that we charge a fee to cover transport and accommodation if you are based more than 25 miles from Corbridge (NE45). We are happy to take bookings across multiple days.

Note: If you are based in Northumberland or Tyne and Wear, we are able to offer half-day or twilight Awareness and Foundation courses in Child Trauma and ACEs, and Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviour. Please contact us for a personalised quote.

Contact us to find out more about a course or to book your place